Fine Art Digital Printing

Fine art digital printing

Order Fine Art Prints from Your Images
If you want the finest digital prints available, you’re in the right place! All photographers and artists can get exceptional digital prints made at Gallery Photiq.

Our master printer Nat Coalson is a fine art photographer and visual artist with over thirty years working professionally in digital imaging and printing.

Your prints will be made using Epson professional printers and archival inks manufactured to last hundreds of years without fading.

You can choose from a huge range of print media:
• Resin-coated photo paper
• Fibre-based photo paper
• Fine art paper (smooth or textured)
• Fine art canvas
…and more!

Price List

Standard photo sizes Photo paper Art paper,
canvas etc.
8 x 10 in. £ 10 12
11 x 14 in. 12 15
12 x 18 in. 18 22
16 x 24 in. 28 34
20 x 30 in. 40 48
24 x 36 in. 58 70
30 x 45 in. 84 100
40 x 60 in. 140 168
ISO sizes    
A4 (210 x 297 mm) £ 12 15
A3 (297 x 420 mm) 18 22
A2 (420 x 594 mm) 30 36
A1 (594 x 841 mm) 50 60
A0 (841 x 1189 mm) 95 114

Metal Prints
Photographic prints mounted to aluminium composite board (aka dibond).

Guide pricing (other sizes available)
30 x 45 cm (approx. 12×18 in) – £95
40 x 60 cm (approx. 16×24 in) – £160
50 x 75 cm (approx. 20×30 in) – £230

Custom mounting, framing and canvas stretching also available.

To order prints, please use the Contact Form to send your details.

Or ring us at +44 (0) 1926 833 212

We’ll get right back to you to work through the details of your order and explain how to transfer your image files.

“I was blown away when I saw the prints that Nat did for me. The color depth and brilliance are amazing. Nat was a real pleasure to work with. He analyzed each of the images that I had and offered expert suggestions on what print materials and processes would make them look their best. He took care of making sure that the colors matched my original images perfectly. I would highly recommend Nat for your high-quality printing needs.”
—Monte Trumbull, Fine Art Nature Photographer

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